Journal Articles:
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* Where the first author is not the primary or corresponding author of the paper, that author is marked with an asterix.
H. A. H. Shehadeh, A. E. Malcolm and J. C. Schotland, (2017), Inversion of the Bremmer Series,Journal of Computational Mathematics, 35 5, 586-599.
A. Shabelansky, A. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2017), Converted-wave seismic imaging: Amplitude-balancing source-independent imaging conditions,Geophysics, 82, S99-S109.
B. Willemsen, A. Malcolm, (2017), An efficient coupled acoustic-elastic local solver applied to phase inversion,Geophysics, 82, R219-R234.
O. Poliannikov, A. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2017), What moved where?: The impact of velocity uncertainty on microseismic location and moment tensor inversion,The Leading Edge, 36, 166-170.
A. Malcolm and B. Willemsen, (2017), Rapid 4D FWI using a local solver,The Leading Edge, 35, 1053-1059.
J. TenCate, A. Malcolm*, X. Feng, and M. Fehler, (2016), The effect of crack orientation on the nonlinear interaction of a P wave with an S wave, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 6146-6153.
B. Willemsen, A. Malcolm, and W. Lewis, (2016), A numerically exact local solver applied to salt boundary inversion in seismic full waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 204, 1703-1720.
A. Richardson and A. Malcolm, (2016), Separating a wavefield by propagation direction, Geophysics, 81, T117-T129.
D. Yang, F. Liu, S. Morton, A. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2016), Time-lapse Full Waveform Inversion with Ocean Bottom Cable Data: Application on Valhall Field, Geophysics 81, R225-R235.
O. V. Poliannikov and A. Malcolm (2016) The effect of velocity uncertainty on migrated reflectors: Improvements from relative depth imaging, Geophysics, 81 S21-S29.
D. Yang, M. Meadows, P. Inderwiesen, J. Landa, A. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2015), Double Difference Waveform Inversion: Feasibility and Robustness Study with Pressure Data, Geophysics, 80, M129-M141.
O.V. Poliannikov, M. Prange, H. Djikpesse, A. E. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2015), Bayesian inversion of pressure diffusivity from microseismicity, Geophysics, 80 M45-M52.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M., Shang, X. and Rodi, W., (2015), Source-Independent Full Wavefield Converted-Phase Elastic Migration Velocity Analysis, Geophysical Journal International, 200(2) 952-966.
Mikesell, T. D., Malcolm, A., Yang, D., and Haney, M., (2015) A comparison of methods to estimate seismic phase delays: Numerical examples for coda wave interferometry, Geophysical Journal International 202 (1) 347-360.
Gallot, T., Malcolm, A., Szabo, T., Brown, S., Burns, D. and Fehler, M, (2015), Characterizing the nonlinear interaction of S- and P-waves in a rock sample, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 034902.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A., and Fehler, M., (2015), Measuring Seismic Attenuation Changes Using a 4D Relative Spectrum Method: Case Study from a Heavy Oil Reservoir with Implications for Monitoring Viscosity Changes, Geophysical Prospecting, 10.111/1365-2478.12229.
Yang, D., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M., Shang, X., and Baek, H., (2015), Image Registration Guided Wavefield Tomography for Shear Wave Velocity Model Building, Geophysics, 80 U35-U46.
Poliannikov, O. V. , Prange, M., Malcolm, A. E. and Djikpesse, H., (2014) Joint location of microseismic events in the presence of velocity uncertainty, Geophysics, 76 KS51-KS60.
Yang, D., Malcolm, A. and Fehler, M., (2014) Using image warping for time-lapse image domain wavefield tomography, Geophysics 79 (3), WA141-WA151.
Yang, D., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M., and Huang, L. (2014) Time-lapse walkaway vertical seismic profile monitoring for CO2 injection at the SACROC enhanced oil recovery field: A case study, Geophysics, 79(2), B51-B61.
Malcolm, A. and Nicholls, D. P.* (2014) Operator Expansions and Constrained Quadratic Optimization for Interface Reconstruction: Impenetrable Acoustic Media, Wave Motion, 51, 23-40.
Poliannikov, O., Prange, M., Malcolm, A. and Djikpesse, H. (2013), A unified Bayesian framework for relative microseismic location, Geophysical Journal International, 194 (2), 557-571.
Melo, G., Malcolm, A., van Wijk, K. and Mikesell, D., (2013) Using SVD for improved interferometric Green's function Retrieval, Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1596-1612.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A. and Fehler, M. (2013), Data-Driven Estimation of the Sensitivity of Target-Oriented Time-Lapse Seismic Imaging to Source Geometry, Geophysics 78(2), R47-R58.
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A. E., Prange, M., and Djikpesse, H. (2012) Checking up on the neighbors: Quantifying uncertainty in relative event location, The Leading Edge, 31(12) 1490-1494.
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A., Djikpesse, H. and Prange, M., (2011) Interferometric hydrofracture microseism localization using neighboring fracture, Geophysics 76 WC27 DOI:10.1190/geo2010-0325.1
Malcolm, A. E. and Nicholls, D. P.* (2011) A Boundary Perturbation Method for Recovering Interface Shapes in Layered Media, Inverse Problems 27 095009.
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A., Djikpesse, H. and Prange, M. (2011), How can we use one fracture to locate another? , The Leading Edge 30 (5) p 551.
Melo, G. and Malcolm, A. (2011), Microquake seismic interferometry with SVD enhanced Green's function recovery The Leading Edge 30 (5) p 556.
Malcolm, A. E., and Trampert, J. (2011), Tomographic Errors from Wavefront Healing: more than just a fast bias, Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), p 385-402.
Malcolm, A. E., and Nicholls, D. P. (2011), A Method of Field Expansions for Scattering by n Periodic Layers, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 (4) p 1783.
Malcolm, A. E., de Hoop, M. V., and Ursin, B. (2011) Recursive Imaging with Multiply Scattered Waves using Partial Image Regularization: A North Sea Case Study, Geophysics, 76 B33-B42.
Malcolm, A. E., Ursin, B. and de Hoop, M. V. (2009) Seismic imaging and illumination with internal multiples, Geophysical Journal International, 176 847-64.
Malcolm, A. E., Reitich, F., Yang, J., Greenleaf, J. F. and Fatemi, M. (2008) A combined parabolic-integral equation approach to the acoustic simulation of vibro-acoustic imaging, Ultrasonics, 48 p553-558.
Malcolm, A. E. & Guzina, B. (2008) On the Topological Sensitivity of Transient Acoustic Fields, Wave Motion, 45 821-34.
Malcolm, A. E., de Hoop, M. V., & Calandra, H. (2007), Identifying imaging artifacts from internal multiples, Geophysics, 72 S123.
Malcolm, A. E., & de Hoop, M. V., (2005), A method for inverse scattering based on the generalized Bremmer coupling series, Inverse Problems 21 No. 3 pp 1137-1167.
Malcolm, A. E., de Hoop, M. V., & Le Rousseau, J. H. (2005), The applicability of DMO/AMO in the presence of caustics, Geophysics 70 S1.
Malcolm, A. E., Scales, J. A. & van Tiggelen, B. A. (2004), Retrieving the Green function from diffuse, equipartitioned waves , Phys. Rev. E. 70.
de Hoop, M. V., Malcolm, A. E., & Le Rousseau, J. H. (2003), Seismic wavefield `continuation' in the single scattering approximation: A framework for dip and azimuth moveout,Can. Apply. Math. Q. 10 199-238.
Scales, J. A. & Malcolm, A. E. (2003), Laser characterization of ultrasonic wave propagation in random media , Phys. Rev. E. 67.
Book Chapter:
A. Malcolm, F. Reitich, J. Yang, J. F. Greenleaf, M. Fatemi (2007) "Numerical Modeling for Assessment and Design of Ultrasound Vibroacoustography Systems" in "Biomedical Applications of Vibration and Acoustics in Imaging and Characterisations" editors: M. Fatemi, A. Al-Jumaily and A. Alizad.
Conference Papers:
F. Massin and A. Malcolm, (2016), A better automatic body-wave picker with broad applicability, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 35.
B. Willemsen and A. Malcolm, (2016), Coupling a local elastic solver to a background acoustic model to estimate phase variation, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 35.
A. Malcolm, J. TenCate, M. Fehler (2016), The role of cracks in the nonlinear interaction of a P-wave with an S-wave, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 35.
O. Poliannikov M. Fehler and A. Malcolm, (2015), Error bounds on diffusive flow models from noisy microseismic data, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34.
B. Willemsen, W. Lewis and A. Malcolm, (2015), Toward target-oriented FWI: An exact local wave solver applied to salt boundary inversion, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34.
G. Ely, A. Malcolm, and D. Nicholls (2015) Combining Global Optimization and Boundary Integral Methods to Robustly Estimate Subsurface Velocity Models, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34.
A. Richardson and A. Malcolm, (2015), Separating a Wavefield by Propagation Direction, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34. Ranked as one of the top 31 of over 1000 papers presented at the meeting.
A. Shabelansky, A. Malcolm and M. Fehler, (2015) The Sensitivity of Converted-Phase Extended Images to P- and S-Wavespeed Variations, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34.
B. Willemsen and A. Malcolm, (2015), Regularizing Velocity Differences in Time-Lapse FWI Using Gradient Mismatch Information, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 34.
O. Poliannikov, M. Fehler and A. Malcolm, (2015), The Effect of Velocity Uncertainty and Attenuation on Flow Estimates from Microseismicity, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
A. Shabelansky, A. Malcolm, M. Fehler, X. Shang and W. Rodi, (2015), Converted-phase Seismic Imaging-Amplitude-balancing Source-independent Imaging Conditions EAGE Expanded Abstracts.
Gallot, T., Malcolm, A., Burns, D., Brown, S., Fehler, M. and Szabo, T. (2014), Nonlinear interaction of seismic waves in the lab: A potential tool for characterizing pore structure and fluids, SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M., Prange, M., and Djikpesse, H. (2014) Propagation of uncertainty from effective-diffusion flow to
microseismicity SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Poliannikov, O. and Malcolm, A., (2014) Effect of velocity uncertainty on migrated reflectors, SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Richardson, A. and Malcolm, A., (2014) Illumination compensation using Poynting vectors, with special treatment for multiples, SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M. and Rodi, W., (2014) Migration-based seismic trace interpolation of sparse converted phase micro-seismic data, SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Yang, D., Shang, X., Malcolm, A. and Fehler, M., (2014) Image registration guided wavefield tomography for shear wave velocity model building, SEG Expanded Abstracts 33.
Yang, D., Malcolm, A., and Fehler, M. Time-lapse Full Waveform Inversion and Uncertainty Analysis with Different Survey Geometries,
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition (2014).
Melo, G., Malcolm, A. and Gallot, T., (2013) Seismic interferometry for sparse data: SVD-enhanced Green's function estimation, IEEE 5th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), p 276-279.
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A., Prange, M. and Djikpesse, H., (2013) Joint microseismic event location with uncertain velocity, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Melo, G., Malcolm, A., Poliannikov, O. and Fehler, M., (2013) Analysis of location uncertainty for a microearthquake cluster: A case study, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Richarson, A. and Malcolm, A., (2013) Reverse time migration in the presence of known sharp interfaces, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Yang, D., Fehler, M., Malcolm, A., Liu, F. and Morton, S., (2013) Double-difference waveform inversion of 4D ocean bottom cable data: Application to Valhall, North Sea, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M., Shang, X., and Rodi, W., (2013) Converted phase elastic migration velocity analysis, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Yang, D., Malcolm, A., and Fehler, M., (2013) Using image warping for time-lapse image domain wavefield tomography, SEG Expanded Abstracts 32.
Poliannikov, O. V., Prange, M., Malcolm, A., and Djikpesse, H., (2012) Relative event localization in uncertain velocity model, SEG Expanded Abstracts 31.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A., Fehler, M. and Bakku, S., (2012) Seismic imaging of hydraulically-stimulated fractures: A numerical study of the effect of the
source Mechanism, SEG Expanded Abstracts 31.
Yang, D., Zheng, Y., Fehler, M. and Malcolm, A. (2012) Target-oriented time-lapse waveform inversion using virtual survey, SEG Expanded Abstracts 31.
Shabelansky, A., Malcolm, A. and Fehler, M. (2012) Monitoring Seismic Attenuation Changes Using a 4D Relative Spectrum Method in Athabsca Heavy Oil Reservoir, Canada, EAGE Expanded Abstracts.
Yang, D., Fehler, M., Malcolm, A. and Huang, L. (2011), Carbon sequestration monitoring with acoustic double-difference waveform inversion: A case study on SACROC walkaway VSP data, SEG Expanded Abstracts 30, 4273, DOI:10.1190/1.3628099
Poliannikov, O., Malcolm, A., Djikpesse, H., and Prange, M., (2011), Interferometric microseism localization using neighboring fracture, SEG Expanded Abstracts 30, 4263, DOI:10.1190/1.3628449
Shabelansky, A. H., Malcolm, A., and Fehler, M. (2011) Visibility analysis using reverse time wave sensitivity for time-lapse target-oriented imaging, SEG Expanded Abstracts 30, 4155, DOI:10.1190/1.3628074
Melo, G. and Malcolm, A. (2011) SVD enhanced seismic interferometry for traveltime estimates between microquakes, SEG Expanded Abstracts 30, 1608, DOI:10.1190/1.3627510.
Poliannikov, O. V. and Malcolm, A. (2010) Detecting medium changes from coda by interferometry, SEG Expanded Abstracts 29, 4227, DOI:10.1190/1.3513751
Melo, G., Malcolm, A., Mikesell, D. and van Wijk, K. (2010) Using SVD for improved interferometric Green's function recovery, SEG Expanded Abstracts 29, 3986, DOI:10.1190/1.3513688
Malcolm, A. and de Hoop M. (2010) Interferometric imaging of multiples in an RTM approach, SEG Expanded Abstracts 29, 3327, DOI:10.1190/1.3513539
Malcolm, A. E., Ursin, B. and de Hoop, M. V. (2008), Subsalt imaging with internal multiples, SEG Expanded Abstracts 27, 2461, DOI:10.1190/1.3063855
Malcolm, A. E., de Hoop, M. V. and Calandra, H. (2005), Estimating imaging artifacts caused by internal multiples, SEG Expanded Abstracts 24, 2111, DOI:10.1190/1.2148129
Malcolm, A. E. and de Hoop, M. V. (2004), Data continuation in the presence of caustics: A synthetic data example, SEG Expanded Abstracts 23, 2060, DOI:10.1190/1.1845197
Malcolm, A. E. and de Hoop, M. V. (2004), Inverse multiple scattering in the downward-continuation approach, SEG Expanded Abstracts 23, 1293, DOI:10.1190/1.1851104
Malcolm, A. E. and Scales, J. A. (2003), Non-contacting ultrasonics for visualizing and exploiting multiple scattering, SEG Expanded Abstracts 22, 1672, DOI:10.1190/1.1817627
Malcolm, A. E., de Hoop, M. V. and Le Rousseau, J. H. (2002) DMO/AMO in the presence of caustics, SEG Expanded Abstracts 21, 2265, DOI:10.1190/1.1817164
A. Malcolm, (2005) "Data Regularization for Data Continuation and Internal Multiples,"
Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, supervisor M. V. de Hoop.
A. Malcolm, " Algorithm Development for the Fast
Computation of the Fourier Transform of Unequally Sampled Data
with Applications to Seismic and Sediment Core Data" BSc Thesis, University of British Columbia,
supervisor T. J. Ulrych.