Lab Members

Dr. John Jamieson
Associate Professor;
Canada Research Chair in Marine Geology (Tier II);
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Ocean Drilling
I received my BSc (Hons) from the University of Alberta (2002), MSc from the University of Maryland (2005), and PhD from the University of Ottawa (2013). From 2013-2015 I worked as a research scientist at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany).

Dr. Chris Galley
Post-doctoral Fellow; PhD 2022
I received my B.Sc. from the University of Victoria in 2015, and Ph.D. from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2022. I study ancient and modern hydrothermal systems to better understand the fundamental geologic controls on ore-forming processes, primarily through the modelling of geophysical data, where magnetic and/or gravity data to construct 3D physical property models of the Earth.

Sarah Moriarty
PhD Candidate
I received a dual BSc in Geology and Marine Science/Oceanography from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania in 2017 and a MSc in Earth Sciences from Memorial University in 2020. My research focuses on the application of stable isotope signatures (including multiple S and Sr isotopes) of seafloor massive sulfide deposits, hydrothermal fluids, crustal rocks, and sediments to investigate fluid mixing and elemental cycling associated with submarine hydrothermal systems at mid-ocean ridges and arc volcanoes.

Caroline Gini
PhD Candidate
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in geology from the Université de Lausanne (Switzerland) in 2015 and my Master’s degree in 2017 from the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France). I am interested in understanding geological and tectonic processes at mid-ocean ridges and their implications for hydrothermal systems. My research focuses on understanding the geology of a hydrothermal vent field on the Mohns Ridge, in the Greenland Sea, and geological characterization of the seafloor and exploration of hydrothermal deposits using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS), an ultra-high-resolution underwater acoustic mapping and imaging technology.

Johannes Scheffler
PhD Candidate
I received my B.Sc. in Chemistry at Leipzig University, Germany, in 2017. As part of my M.Sc in Mineralogy and Materials Science at Leipzig I spent an exchange semester at the University of Bergen, Norway, where I had my first experience studying seafloor hydrothermal systems research. My Ph.D. research at MUN focuses on the development and application of different U-series radioisotope geochronological dating methods for submarine hydrothermal systems, starting with samples collected from the Escanaba Trough.

Natalie McNeil
MSc Candidate
I graduated from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with a BSc (Hons) in geology. At Memorial University my research focuses on the application of the 230Th/234U dating technique to samples collected from seafloor hydrothermal vent fields, and evaluating the precision of this technique relative to other techniques that have been applied to vent fields previously (e.g., 226Ra/Ba).

Kallie Stone
MEnv Candidate
The goal of my research project is to investigate the release of metals into the ocean from the oxidation of seafloor massive sulfide deposits. For my undergraduate thesis project, I evaluated hydrothermal discharge velocities associated with active venting at the Niua South hydrothermal vent field (near Tonga) through video analysis, and used these data to calculate the chemical mass balance and depositional efficiency of this hydrothermal system.

Charles Lapointe
MSc Candidate
I earned a B.Sc. in Earth & Planetary Sciences from McGill University in 2022. My M.Sc. project at Memorial University focuses on the geological characterization of the Aurora vent field, located on the Gakkel mid-ocean ridge in the Arctic Ocean. To this end, I am applying a variety of mineralogical, geochemical, and geochronological tools to rock samples collected from the seafloor.
Former Lab Members

Dr. Andrew Martin
Post-Doctoral Fellow 2019-2022
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada Las Vegas (USA)

Dr. Dennis Sánchez Mora
PhD 2022
Thesis title: Evolution of the Lucky Strike Vent Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Current position: Project Geologist, Ximen Mining (Kelowna, BC)

Euri Papanicolaou
MSc 2020
Thesis title: The effects of sulphide oxidation on the preservation of hydrothermal chimneys from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Current position: Geologist, Galleon Gold (Toronto, ON)

Ben Peterkin
MSc 2020
Thesis title: Formation of hydrothermal sulphide deposits on Niua volcano, Tofua Arc
Current position: Geologist, Auteco Minerals (Perth, Australia)

Colin Clancey
BSc 2023
Thesis title: Geochronology of the Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Vent Field
Current position: Geologist, Iron Ore Company of Canada

Melissa Mills
BSc 2020
Thesis title: Magmatic SO2 disproportionation in a submarine arc volcano: Evidence from Brothers volcano, Kermadec Arc
Current position: MSc Candidate, University of Victoria (Victoria, BC)

Jessica Roberts
BSc 2019
Thesis title: Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Sulfide Deposits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Current position: Geologist, HighGold Mining (Vancouver, BC)

Martin Kulla
BSc 2018
Thesis title: Precipitation of clay minerals from ultra-mafic hosted seafloor hydrothermal systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Current position: Project Geologist, Commander Resources (Vancouver, BC)